General information about the ground area |
Planned use of ground area | Construction of an industrial enterprise |
Branch | Manufacturing industry |
Address of the area | Labinsk, North industrial zone |
Cadastre account of ground area | Registered |
Cadastre number of area/of quarter | 23:46:0102043:21 |
Declared area (m2) | 175000.00 |
Limit size of the area (m2) | 175000.00 |
Land category | Lands of inhabited localities |
Kind of allowed use | Production |
Actual use | Not used |
Permits, town-planning documentation | Place the object corresponds to the General plan Labinsk city settlement Labinsky district, developed by OOO "Design Institute of territorial planning" and approved by resolution of the Board Labinsk city settlement Labinsky district №202/56 from 29.03.2013 year |
Information on a property |
Short description of property | no |
Information about proprietor (right holder) |
Proprietor | State ownership |
Right holder | State ownership |
Kind of right | Another |
Electricity supply |
Power supply center (name, right-holder) | 35/10 kV "LSSK", OJSC "Kubanenergo" |
Power supply center (electrotension class) | Middle class of tension – from 1 kV to 35 kV |
Power supply center (free power (MWt)) | 0.01 |
Power supply center (distance(m)) | 1500.00 |
Nearest connection point (network tension, kV) | 10.00 |
Nearest connection point (distance(m)) | 1500.00 |
Gas-supplying |
Gas pipeline (name, right-holder) | OJSC "Unimilk" |
Gas pipeline (diameter(mm)) | 273.00 |
Gas pipeline (pressure(MPa)) | High pressure pipelines of the II category – from 0,3 to 0,6 |
Gas pipeline (distance(m)) | 100.00 |
Nearest connection point (diameter(mm)) | 273.00 |
Nearest connection point (pressure (MPa)) | High pressure pipelines of the II category – from 0,3 to 0,6 |
Nearest connection point (distance(m)) | 100.00 |
Water-supply |
Water supply source (name, right-holder) | Projected water well |
Water supply source (quality of water) | Service and drinking water |
Sewage system |
Type of building (name, right-holder) | The projected local treatment facilities |
Installation of telephones/internet |
Central network (distance(m)) | 1000.00 |
Distance to the large settlements and objects of a transport infrastructure |
Remoteness from | The name | Distance (km) |
Center of municipal formation | Labinsk city | 5.00 |
Nearest settlement | - | |
Center of the subject of federation | Krasnodar city | 200.00 |
Highways (regional, federal value) | Federal highway "access to Maikop from the highway "Caucasus" | 0.35 |
Highways of local value | Adjacent roads with asphalt and gravel roads | 0.20 |
Nearest railway station | Station Labinskaya | 3.00 |
Nearest railway | Labinsk-Kurgan | 0.50 |
Airport | Krasnodar airport | 200.00 |
Seaport | seaport Tuapse | 180.00 |
Additional information about the ground area |
Special conditions | Seismicity of 7 points |
Conditions of investor participation | Rent |
Geographical coordinates of object (dd.dddddd) |
Latitude (N) | 44.404826 |
Longitude (E) | 40.424453 |
Notes | - |
Data on the project initiator (in case of existence information about the legal/physical person) |
Name / Full name | Administration of Labinsky district municipality |
Postal address | 352500, Krasnodar region, Labinsk, street Konstantinova, 2 |
Site |,, |
Phone/fax | +7 (86169) 31274 |
E-mail address | |
Data about the applicant (executive authority/local government executive authority) |
Name | Administration of Labinsky district municipality |
Postal address | 352500, Krasnodar region, Labinsk, street Konstantinova, 2 |
Site |,, |
Phone/fax | +7 (86169) 31274 |
E-mail address | |