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Finnish Technologies for Waste Treatment Will Be Used in Kuban

Veniamin Kondratyev held a meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Finland in the Russian Federation, Mikko Hautala.

The event was attended by the Vice-Governors, the Heads of the relevant Ministries and representatives of Finnish companies operating in the processing of solid household waste and manufacturers of heat and power equipment.

Welcoming the participants of the delegation the Governor noted that new technologies and processing enterprises are needed for the treatment of solid household waste in the region. This niche is not filled until now.

The region should build seven intermunicipal polygons. Sites for them have been already allocated. Construction is planned to be carried out within the public-private partnership. In this case, investors will receive a number of preferences, for example, providing a land for rent without bidding.

- The Krasnodar Region is a tourist region, so issues of environmental safety are our priority, – the Head of the Region emphasized. – The Finnish experience in dealing with solid household waste is known worldwide and is considered to be exemplary. We want to use your best development, in particular, to create a logistic scheme for the waste disposal and treatment.

Mikko Hautala confirmed that Finland had problems with waste treatment, but the issue was resolved in a relatively short period of time.

- If in the early 2000s, we transported 61% of waste to landfills, then now, it is transported only 3% of waste. Waste recycling is widespread now. Companies learned how to dispose waste in a quality manner without harming the environment, as both for Finland and for Kuban, the development of tourism is of great importance, – the Ambassador said.

Representatives of nine foreign companies spoke about their work experience and offered options for interaction in several areas. For example, the introduction in the province of technologies for the processing of waste and the production of solid secondary fuel, land recultivation, production of packaging lines for briquetted waste and wood boards. In addition, a project for the construction of wind farms was discussed, which will help to solve a serious shortage of power capacities.

In 2018, the trade turnover between the Republic of Finland and Kuban grew more than 2 times compared to last year and exceeded $73 million.

Source: the Press Service of the Administration of Krasnodar Region

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